The Vision of this Site

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The Vision of this Site

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What We Know About the Hoytes

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Guest Book Page


About The Webmaster

Who am I?

Greetings! My name is Julie Andrea Hoyte. I was born to Maureen Elizabeth Smith Hoyte-Montford and Albert Raymond (Singh) Hoyte. I am her only child and I am his last child and only girl. My four older siblings through my father are Ian Albert Hoyte, Ralph Hoyte, Patrice Hoyte (his name though has been changed to Patrick Hoyte), and Sean Hoyte. I think I would be correct in saying that I was the first American of this direct Hoyte lineage.

My paternal grandparents were Muriel Singh and George Hoyte. My great-grandfather was James Arthur Hoyte (George's father), one of the three brothers that went to Guyana from Barbados.

Out of my grandparent's union, they had lots of children. Here is my attempt to name them and where they are living at this moment.

Dennis Hoyte-Queens, NY
Compton Hoyte-Plainsfield, NJ
Maurice Hoyte-Plainsfield, NJ
Barrington Hoyte-Brooklyn, NY
George Singh (Hoyte)-Plainsfield, NJ
James Hoyte-Cheverly, MD
Juliet (Pinky) Singh/Hoyte (not sure which name she used)-either in NY or NJ
Carmel Singh Hoyte-Brooklyn, NY
Enid Singh/Hoyte (not sure which one or if both)-Brooklyn, NY
Sandra Hoyte-Brooklyn, NY

If I forget anyone, sorry! I know I will hear about it sooner if not later.

All my aunts and uncles, and my parents immigrated to this country beginning in 1970 and ending 1999.

I am the proud mother of a beautiful little girl named Taylor Jordan Hoyte. I went to the University of Rochester where I earned my BS in Nursing. After the birth of my daughter, I joined the military (Army) where I attended the Academy of Health Sciences and received a certificate in Emergency Medical Technician and Radiological Sciences. I am nationally certified as a Radiology Technologist and still hold certification as an EMT, though I am inactive.

I enjoy spending time with my daughter, surfing the net, travelling, going to the movies, going to listen to live music, and OF COURSE going to Caribbean venues.

At this present moment, I am preparing to go back to school to become a Physician's Assistant. But those who know me, know that I am fickle, so tomorrow I may decide I want to be an astrometer!

The History or Story Behind My Site

This site was started for a dual purpose.

1. I wanted a way for the future Hoytes to know of their family legacy and want to continue to make the journeys to Guyana like the rest of the family so that they may never lose site of their roots and culture.

2. I wanted this site to serve a medicinal purpose. Now that almost all the Hoytes are in America, we are finding that many Hoytes suffer from the same ailments, most of them are genetic or have a higher chance of occuring with family incident. I hope that as people discover things that they feel comfortable with sharing on the board, that they would go ahead and do so.
I would like to see a comprehensive and conclusive medical history of the Hoytes. if it does not help the my generation and those before me, I hope it would help the future generations of Hoytes.


Please feel free to add any information in the guestbook area about clubs, organizations or anything that may be of interest to other Hoyte members.

Maybe you have an old picture that was taken in Guyana of you and family. Maybe you took a trip to Barbados, Suriname, England or elsewhere, and would like to share those pictures of other Hoytes in our family. Maybe you would just like to share some information about yourself and let everyone know what good things are happening in your life. Whatever it is, you have many ways of sharing.

You can either go to the guestbook and share your story there.

If you have a picture, just scan it and give me all the pertinent information so that I can post it.

Email me to get those pictures on here!