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The Hoyte Photo Page
Pictures, thumbnails, drawings, clip art of mostly my generation and older.
This is still in the building stage as I wait for more pictures to come along. Feel free to send your family portrait to be placed here.

Albert Hoyte with his first 3 sons (l to r) Ralph, Patrick and Ian Hoyte in Guyana
Aunt Helen Hoyte, daughter of my great-grandfather, James Arthur Hoyte, and sister of my grandfather George Hoyte, Sr.. James Arthur was one of the three Hoytes brothers that left Barbados for Guyana. He died in 1927. Aunt Helen resides Canada.

Evelyn Hoyte, daughter of Arthur Hoyte, granddaughter of James Arthur Hoyte. She currently resides in Ontario, Canada.
James Arthur Hoyte's grandchildren through his son George Hoyte. from l to r: Compton Hoyte, Albert Hoyte, James Hoyte, Maurice Hoyte, Barrington Hoyte, George Hoyte, Jr.

Carmel Hoyte, one of 4 daughters born to George Hoyte. Her brothers are to the left. She is a former police of Georgetown but is residing in the States.

This is my grandfather George Hoyte, Sr., seen here on steps of his home. He is one of the sons of James Arthur Hoyte, who originally was from Barbados. Nephew of Helen Hoyte and Uncle to Evelyn Hoyte.

Hugh Desmond Hoyte, former Prime Minister of Guyana, head of PNC Reform
James Arthur Hoyte's son, George Hoyte Sr.'s 3 daughters and their sister, Sandra.
James Arthur Hoyte's son, George Hoyte Sr.'s seven sons and eldest daughter.
Lennox Hoyte, born in Trinidad. Father is/was Lennox Patrick Hoyte. Grandfather was Benjamin Hoyte and his grandfather had a brother Simeon, sons of James (?) Hoyte, who is thought to have come with his brother over to Trinidad.